cxomni Employee Talk

Pia Jakobson
Professional Services Manager
You joined us last year and quickly took on responsibility for the rollout at two large corporations. Did you know what to expect when you applied for a job with us? How do you like the interaction with the customers?
It was actually on my very first day, after getting a super brief introduction from my supervisor Thomas, that I ended up already in a meeting with one of our mega-customers. Okay, I was only there as an observer, but I was very impressed with how quickly I settled into the project. Piece by piece, I was given bigger and bigger challenges than I initially expected. That’s what makes working at cxomni so special: You take on responsibility from the beginning and can really rock the projects!
In Customer Success, there are always moments when you are caught between what the customer wants and what is feasible. Customer Experience is our theme, but how do you walk the tightrope of making customers happy, taking all needs very seriously, and at the same time – according to our SaaS standards – only accepting change requests that move cxomni forward?
Imagine the customer wants a big feature that we just couldn’t implement. At first, of course, the customer was a bit disappointed. But sometimes we’re like detectives and work with the customer to find an alternative solution that pretty much matches their feature request. However, most of our customers understand that we are a standard software and can’t fulfill all their wishes. But you know what makes them really happy? Our daily support and expertise from different industries.
What does a typical workday at cxomni look like for you?
A typical workday consists of customer training and consulting sessions where we help companies with their Customer Journey Management questions and challenges. Or we solve support cases and work on cool internal projects. And the best part? We can decide for ourselves, in consultation with our product owner, which projects we work on.🤘
What was your most interesting customer experience with us?
This is especially true for larger companies. It’s not enough to give a few training sessions to introduce new software and get customers jumping on the customer journey bandwagon. It takes a fair amount of change management to establish Customer Journey Management in the company in the long term. And that’s despite the fact that our tool is so easy to use! Who would have thought that? Not me at first – it’s crazy!
What is the strength of your team?
The cool thing about our team is that we are all totally different. We have different ages and backgrounds and therefore different perspectives. But that’s what makes us strong! Everyone has their own way of looking at and interpreting things. Team Power!🥳
Thanks for your answers, Pia.